all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Friday, September 23, 2005

the affects of music history

that's right, it's 5:25. in the morning. i am so proud of myself! my very first all night study session! i'm totally a grownup now!
seeing as though i've pretty much been studying for about eleven hours now, i decided my brain can't hold any more information. i also decided that it would be more detrimental than beneficial for my brain to try to go to bed now and sleep for two hours before my test at 7:30. so, look at me go, like a nerd and totally unlike a grownup i'm definitely utilizing this opportunity to fling some mess of crap into the unknown depths of cyberspace. who knows where this will end up? maybe someone famous will read it and decide they need to marry me. maybe someone completely unfamous will read it and want to marry me. maybe bunches of people will read it and not want to marry me at all. go figure. where do you fit in? don't you care about my future? don't you want me to be happy? for the love of all things irregular, monophonic, and mostly stepwise, just say you love me! please?! i don't know what i'm doing with my life! it's like i'm at a crossroads, and there's a denny's on one corner...and an ihop on the other. oh lil brudder. i need some sound financial advice.

word of the day/night: mess of crap. this is actually not one word.

random fact: if you go to the dutch bakery at 3:00 in the morning you can get freshly baked donuts. we definitely went there and had like the best donuts ever, literally right out of the oven.

one thing i can say is that one of my life's ambitions is fulfilled. i have successfully spent an entire night in the pac, with no campus security, no bloodshed, no gestapo, no futile hideout in a practice room. that's right, a whole night of pac goodness. only two of us survived. kudos to danielle for coming up with this stellar plan.

did you know that on january first at notre dame of paris they used to light a shoe on fire, inside the cathedral? that's right. and they threw bones everywhere. why do i know this? because i am experiencing the cream-of-the-liberal-arts-education crop. that's right. and i can also tell you that some greek shmuck named something capella came up with the seven liberal arts: logic, grammar, rhetoric, arithmetic, astronomy, music, and geometry. liberal arts eventually came to signify an education aiming to enable the mind to think critically rather than prepare it academically for a specific vocation. and that's a fact. my mind is pretty dang open.


Blogger Ruthie said...

You know, we still need to have a party in the PAC one of these days. That doesn't invlove studying of any kind. And that involves food of some kind. And yes, I love you and I want to marry you.

2:31 PM


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