all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Thursday, September 22, 2005

milkfaces and violins

i would like you all to know that i am honestly not freaking out one bit about the test tomorrow. i'm not entirely sure if this is good or bad; i haven't even looked through all the material yet, let alone memorized it. oh yes, twelve chapters of music history goodness...i can't wait for tonight. pretty sure there is going to be a massive overnight study session at braafart, it will be the party of the year. don't forget your disco ball and dancing shoes, man, it's going to be a doozy.

candi, my dear, if you are reading this, i would like you to know that my days would be considerably less bright if i didn't have the opportunity to laugh hysterically every time we make eye contact, ya milkface! i heart you, and would continue to heart you even if you moved to "a land land far away"...(heh heh heh)

it has come to my attention that i have developed a rather large bump on my right forefinger. upon further examination, i discovered that my finger has actually conformed to the shape of my violin bow. what does this mean? is it finally starting? am i slowly but surely morphing into the shape of a giant violin? if i start to notice f-hole-shaped imprints on my torso, i'll know i have problems.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, this is Andrea (y'know, cello playing Andrea). You can tell me if you don't want me reading your blog. Seriously... I'll only feel bad for a little while and then I'll be okay... :) Really, let me know. You may not want me reading depending on how much I ramble whenever I comment (maybe I could try not to comment very often :))... sometimes I never stop.

You really crack me up. Your entries are great... I'm sorry your body is morphing into a violin. If it does that you won't even have to practice because you'll just BE... or something.

I taught a violin lesson to a girl today (yeah, I know... why am I teaching violin...), and it was actually pretty pathetic. I haven't actually played a violin for a while, so I kind of forgot that first finger (when it's farther down the neck) on the E string is F#... whoops. I was so confused for a while. I felt really stupid - especially considering this was the girls' first lesson. Maybe I learned more than she did... Anyway, the girl's mom heard you practicing and complimented you on it. :) You are an extremely dedicated practicer. I wish I could get myself motivated... I feel like I don't have enough time, and I know I don't have as tough of a schedule as you...

Good luck on the studying... I'm assuming I will not be seeing my roommate for a long time - if at all. Ever again. Throughout music history there have been a few disappearances. I'll pray for you guys. I mean that seriously! :)


12:53 AM

Blogger Ruthie said...

Ok. That was the longest comment ever, Andrea. ;)
Aubrey, I think you need a tatoo of an f-hole on your stomach. That would be friggin awesome!

2:29 PM


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