all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Monday, September 05, 2005

me? i blame the pudding pops

okay, so i've noticed that my weirdest dreams always happen when i'm napping in the afternoon. i rarely remember dreams at night, and if i do remember them i almost always forget them by morning. so here's a dream i had yesterday afternoon while i was napping in my fouton.

so i'm at my house in huron, and for some reason mike noble (kid from nwc) is knocks on my door. he enters my house without asking and just stands there by my big grandfather clock in the dining room. he starts doing this weird thing with his eyes where they turn into like cat eyes or something, then back to normal, and then they start swivelling around all crazy-like. so i'm getting really annoyed with this, so when my mom comes home from work i'm like, "mom, this kid just barged into our house and now his eyes are weird. what do we do?" and my mom says, "aubrey, i'm sure Jesus would let him stay there. so we should too."
so i'm really annoyed at this, but i'm like, okay, whatever. three days later mike is STILL standing there, but this time he is somehow pretending to be the grandfather clock he's standing next to. i don't remember how he accomplished this; i just remember telling my mom, "mom, he's been standing there for three days now, and how he looks just like the clock." and my mom was like, "aubrey, love is patient. we must let him stay there."
so THEN he takes out this alarm clock and it starts beeping really loudly. he won't turn it off no matter what i say, but then he disappears and leaves the alarm clock. we try turning it off, unplugging it, taking the batteries out...but no matter what we do it won't turn off. we try throwing it away but it just keeps reappearing. like a week later mike comes back with this really evil grin and says, "i'll only turn it off if you let me stay here forever and ever." and he does this crazy sinister laugh and we all freak out and such...
and then all the sudden i'm on tattooine. (for all you who are not nerds, this is the planet luke skywalker is from, home of jabba's palace.) so i'm outside jabba's palace and these bounty hunters come and lure jabba out and kill him. i witness the whole thing from afar and then i realize that they're all looking for me. now i'm wearing this reddish-brown tunic thing that's approximately the same color as the sand, so i figure my best bet is just to lay down in the sand and try to blend in so they wouldn't see me. but they find me anyway, so i pretend to be dead. then it turns out that they aren't bounty hunters at all; they're orcs and uruk-hai. then one of them says that line from the return of the king when the orcs find frodo at cirith ungol: "this one ain't dead. when he wakes up, he'll wish he'd never been born."

yeah. so then i woke up. i mean for real. in my fouton. any interpretations?


Blogger Lindsay said...

Wow. That was even weirder than my LOTR dream. Or the dream I had about driving a house. Congratulations.

10:55 PM


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