all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

So after the doctor told me that I'm over 25 pounds overweight, I've been feeling a little self conscious, eating a lot of Special K, fruit, etc. Well I've been "healthy" for about a week now, and while I have managed to lose 5 pounds I think I gained it all back tonight by eating most of an entire package of cinnamon-sugar graham crackers. Whilst doing so I rediscovered the part of myself that LOVES EATING.

Sara and I figured out that, according the doctor's calculation of my weight situation, I only needed to gain 5 more pounds in order to reach the "obese" level, since obesity is 30 or whatever percent overweight. I think it's a worthy goal to achieve, if it means that I can finally eat all the pies I've been staring at every day of work. And/or the ice cream currently beckoning me from the freezer.

I managed to watch Across the Universe (which, by the way, I bought used at Coborn's for FOUR DOLLARS) today with my dad without getting too depressed to my very soul, although it made me miss my roommates even more than I currently miss ice cream.

Why is it that it is so important for humans to feel needed? Isn't that weird? In the animal kindom the most important thing is to get what you need to survive. But we have this complex that we need to be needed in order to be happy. I don't know.

I had a dream last night that Barack Obama had a HUGE afro. I mean, huge, like Leonard the guy on Scrubs with the hook hand. HUGE. As part of a rally he organized this event where Sara would jump off the top of a 16-story building, and he would catch her at the bottom, to demonstrate both his dedication to saving lives and his superhuman strength. Well, he missed, and Sara ended up splattered on the concrete, but it turned out all she needed was to have her ankle wrapped. We then went to visit Crystal and Spencer Whitney, who had this ginormous tupperware container full of tampons in their bathroom. I stared at it for a long time. It was so tall it almost touched the ceiling. The end.


Blogger Tracey said...

Your doctor is a bastard. You should go to Mayo Clinic. They always know what's up.

Also, next time you should dip the cinnamon graham crackers in Funfetti frosting. There is literally nothing better. Literally.

In conclusion, I love you.

12:02 AM

Blogger Ruthie said...

Your dream was crazy awesome! Obama having a massive fro would make him THAT MUCH COOLER.

4:03 AM

Blogger Stephanie said...

You, my friend, are seriously not overweight or anywhere near obesity. Your doctor was probably just jealous of your beauty. And, I completely agree with the crackers and frosting comment. There's nothing better! I love you and miss you!

10:43 AM


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