all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Friday, July 06, 2007

an explanation

Whenever someone asks me what I'm doing with my summer I feel the need to kick off an hour-long explanation of how I needed to take a month-long summer class to graduate on time and then I played at a wedding in Montana for a week and then I had guards for a week and some other drills and extra crap I have to do so really I don't have time to get a job because I'm only home for a month and a half but seriously I had a job at WalMart but they called me at the last minute to tell me I couldn't work there unless I came back for weekends once school started so I couldn't do that because I felt bad lying to them and of course I can't drive four hours to work while I'm at school I'm taking overloads you idiot plus I have to get in the rest of my observation hours and make my entrance portfolio and I'm teaching violin lessons six hours a week while taking an online class and practicing five hours a day because I have to audition for grad schools next semester which don't you think is a more worthwhile endeavor than a job because I'm going to be broke out the butt once I go to grad school no matter how much money I would potentially make if I had a job so now my main objective should be to get IN to grad school, oh my word should I not be in band next semester because when am I going to practice but what should I do I can't email DMG to tell him now because he's on vacation now and I know that because I have no life but seriously I don't want a repeat of last year so I need to tell him as soon as possible but I shouldn't make him pissed while he's on vacation oh my WORD he's going to hate me isn't it weird that I may never have DMG in a class or ensemble again in my life I cannot TELL you how refreshing that sounds.

But really I feel like a pile because everyone has a job except for me. But I've been busy anyway, right? And the only reason I'm writing this is because my lit book is in my lap and I'm not looking forward to writing this reflection. I hate analyzing poetry, don't all y'all?


Blogger Tracey said...

I love you I love you I looooove you.

David Hyde Pierce says hi. And Yoko thinks you're hawt. And you should definitely do whatever you need to do to be well this fall. To actually BE WELL, instead of striving for it all year. I'll help however I can, and I know about a bajillion other people who will too.

I'm glad we're friends. So glad. You make my heart smile. (The cheesiness makes it more true.)

5:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i was going to say "i love you" but tracey beat me to it. dang. oh well. i love you anyways. and we get to live together next fall. our apartment can be a haven from the insanity...yes. miss you bunches!

7:34 PM

Blogger Ruthie said...

I like analyzing poetry. Just saying.

Quit band. Seriously. Quit band. You're a VIOLIN performance major, not a horn major. Plus, Anthony counts for like 2 horns, doesn't he?

7:44 PM


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