all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Thursday, May 24, 2007

the mystic garden

"...Jews separate themselves like that - Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, as if God calls them that. Christians, too: Baptists, Assembly of God, Methodists, Calvinists. God has no respect for a person's title. He don't care what you call yourself."

- Bob Dylan

Because of my inability to think for myself... from now on, I am going to be Bob Dylan. Seriously. Except maybe without all the pot. Eh, whatever.

Seriously though, taking this class (intro to environmental science) is pissing me off. Especially when we get to the part where we have to "integrate faith and learning." Ugh. I hate it. It's so methodical. Yesterday we watched this documentary called Is God Green? about these heroic self-proclaimed conservative evangelical Christians who were taking the fatal risk of being associated with liberalism by giving a shit about a forest that was getting cut down. I swear, about every two seconds they would make sure we know that they are, in fact, conservatives. Like, "don't be fooled! We're not pagans or anything!" And they would actually say things like "homosexuality is still sin! abortion is still murder!" Just to make sure we know they're still on the straight and narrow - the straight and narrow, of course, that humans invented as we went along. As if God uses the same labels that we do. As if God looks at someone and says "oo...sorry...a little too left-wing for my taste." I don't know much about God, but I should HOPE that he isn't that shallow. I should hope that he sees people as people and not as Democrat/Republican/liberal/conservative/Catholic/Mormon/Jew/WHATEVER. Otherwise we're all screwed.

Just so you all know.

Anyway... I have accomplished about as much in the past week and a half as most people do in half a day. I feel like a scuzzbucket. I took a three-hour nap today. It's 12:04 and I feel like going to bed. I should definitely reconsider the cutting-back-on-caffeine thing. It's just not worth the lethargy.

Peace out.


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