all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

weird dream #3

sometime between when my alarm went off at 6:30 and when i finally got up at 7:30, i had the psychoest dream i think of my life.

it started with me marrying tom hanks. don't ask me, i have no idea why. rebecca james was apparently in love with him too, but he chose me and she got all emo. but then she found some other guy and got married. tom hanks was crying because he was so happy she found someone else.

then we're at some kind of outdoor sporting event, maybe football? there's a building next to the field where apparently the beacon (northwestern's newspaper) is produced. some guys breaks into it and is going to destroy all the newspaper's equipment. allison (editor-in-chief) sees it and runs in there to try to stop him, and he drags her back out. she's all flailing and biting him and stuff because she doesn't want him to destroy her livelihood. so he gets all upset at her, and calls for the rest of his friends. they are all these huge burly guys and they make the entire crowd gather on the field. they're planning to torture us by like cutting off random appendages - fingers and legs and stuff. to show us what's going to happen, they take one of their own men and start chopping off his legs. he's not in pain or anything; he's laughing because he thinks it's great fun.

apparently i did something to make them angry, because they put me in the front of the line to be de-appendaged. so i create some kind of diversion and move to the back of the crowd. this goes on for some time. we're all surrounded by these people with huge axes and freaking out because, you know, we like our limbs. all this time allison is begging them to not destroy her newspaper. she doesn't seem to mind her friends' legs and arms getting cut off, just that her newspaper is okay.

there was more to the dream than that, but that's all i can remember for now. i guess that's what i get for almost sleeping through music history. oops.


Blogger Ruthie said...

a diversion?

Yeah, that's weird. If it was Tom Hanks from Joe v. the Volcano, I'm in. Tom Hanks from That Thing You Do, not so much-- too old.

11:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg, I lauged so hard at your dream! i gave a speech on homestar runner the other day!

12:37 PM


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