all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Friday, March 07, 2008

spring break stats

Roommates in Canada: 2

Days alone in my apartment: 4

Shots in the arm at drill (immunizations, not ammunition, just to clarify): 4

Concerts conducted: 1

Letters from grad schools: 1

Flight of the Conchords epidodes watched: 6... tonight. (thanks Lindsay)

Hours of Eddie Izzard: 3 (?)

Miles run: 7 (no joke)

Lame poems written: 1.7

I ran out of peanut butter so today for lunch I had to pack a jelly sandwich.

I give a few violin lessons Wednesday evenings, and we usually meet in the music building but when I got there it was already closed. So we ended up going back to my apartment, and I don't own a music stand so we ended up clearing off one of my food shelves and leaning music against boxes of Scooby Doo macaroni and cheese.

I bet my students think I'm a big fat idiot. I try too hard to be funny and end up more often than not with my foot in my mouth. Surprisingly middle schools are much easier to interact with than high schoolers. And they always tell me my outfits are cute. This annoys Mr. Hallberg to death because discussions about my clothing usually ensue while he's trying to rehearse.

I conducted my first concert on Tuesday. I have heard a lot of good things, mostly from students who tell me I did a good job. That's a little strange, right? Anyway one of the music teachers told me that she was sitting in the back of the audience next to a little girl who had long blonde hair similar to mine, and when I started conducting she stood on her chair and imitated everything I did. My soft spot for children is as always about the size of a toothpaste cap but even I had to smile at that.

I said "Hi, Kris" to one of my high school students the other day, and he turned around and told me I freaked him out because he thought I was his mom. WHAT!?!? I don't know a lot, but I do know that I am NOT ready to be mistaken for someone's parent.

It is strangely theraputic how messy my apartment is right now.

Guten nacht.


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