all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Friday, August 18, 2006


"Terrorists Win: Deoderant Banned from Airplanes" - Ann Coulter

"Last week, British authorities arrested 24 members of a terrorist cell plotting to blow up about a dozen U.S.-bound planes simultaneously. As a result of those arrests, we learned:
1) Nothing being done by airport security since 9/11 would prevent a bomb from being brought onto an airplane; and
2) This terrorist plot -- like all other terrorist plots -- was stopped by ethnic profiling.
Last week marked the first official admission that everything government airport screeners have been doing until now is completely pointless -- unless you're an airport security guard with a thing for women's undergarments, in which case it's been highly effective.
As we now know, all the ingredients necessary to blow up an airplane can be carried in small liquid containers. Airport security has not even been looking for small liquid containers. Judging from my personal experience, they seem to have been focusing on finding explosive devices inside women's brassieres.
After five years of submissively complying with bag checks, shoe checks and underwire bra checks, Americans have now been informed that the hell we've been going through at the airports (but which the president and members of Congress do not go through because they refuse to fly commercial air) has been a useless Kabuki theater."

And on it goes.

My reaction:


Yep, the "hell" of, you know, an extra ten minutes we have to spend getting our bags checked at terminals has obviously done no good...all the extra precautions have obviously proved fruitless, given the outrageous number of successful terrorist attacks ( on airlines in the past six years.

I seriously cannot believe the person who wrote this not only has articles published but also quite a vast number of books in print. I guess she knows how to get people's attention.

My personal favorite is the last paragraph about our self-centered president who - holy crap - REFUSES to ride commercial air comment.

I am so incredibly SICK of reading news written by people who are set on turning every situation into another excuse to complain about the evils of our nation and government. How about the fact that this terrorist attack was thwarted? How about the fact that it's been six safe years on airlines since 9/11, thanks to security measures taken by airlines and the work of world's best intelligence?

And honestly, since Ms. Coulter obviously thinks we would be better off with no bag checks at terminals...I have to wonder what she would be complaining about if these precautions weren't taken at all. No doubt she would be freaking out about our lack of action after 9/11, as she well should be.

Case in point: the writer complains that the only thing done after 9/11 was to ban knives from planes, immediately after her claim that now that airlines are taking more drastic measures, the terrorists have finally claimed victory. What exactly does she want?

She, like the rest of the media, is digging to find something to be-yotch about.

That's what the news room is for, after all. Pointing Americans in the right direction, disproving any positive notion we have about life. Nothing to complain about? You're not looking hard enough. We have to keep the people of America contentedly pissed off.

As there is currently no one in my house who understands English (my cat speaks a weird dialect of Swahili) I had no one else to vent to, so you all get the pleasure.

Kirk out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She also contends that liberals (like me..oh dear) are godless individuals..wrote a whole book about it, in fact.

10:37 AM

Blogger Ruthie said...

I agree with you. I am more than willing to spend an extra ten minutes-- even an hour-- in customs or security so they can make sure the plane is bombless. P.S. the President probably refuses to use commercial airplanes because he has Air Force One. I'd refuse if I had Air Force One, too. I'm sure its extremely posh. Just a thought.

10:16 PM


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