all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Thursday, August 10, 2006

my fallen shoes

on choir tour, they...

Waited in dressing rooms for 16 (?) performances
Stepped in footprints of Johnny Depp, Frank Sinatra, R2D2, C3PO, R2D2, William Shatner, and many others at Grauman's Chinese Theater
Played 4-square with Dr. Holm
Walked through the Aquarium of the Pacific
Slept in 10ish host families' houses
Watched as Stu and Dr. Holm teamed up to save the bus
Rode on a bus for miles and miles and miles

on band tour, they...

Frolicked through the Mall of America on a scavenger hunt
Strolled through the Sculpture Gardens
Stayed with three host houses

on percussion tour, they...

Met Bob Becker (talk about life-changing moments...)
Were kicked off a ledge in competition
Cartwheeled through a park with Dr. Wooldridge
Saw Blue Man Group
Played cherades, Bob Becker edition
Met Gooch's awesome rabbit
Went to a wonderful Thai restaurant (Taylor street? WERD!)
Toured a marimba factory
Saw a Nexus concert

In England they...

Saw 13 plays, 8 (?) art museums, and a London Symphony Orchestra concert
Walked "The Crosswalk" at Abbey Road Studios
Took countless tube rides
Waited in line for Patrick Stewart for 2 hours...mourned with me when we failed
Toured a haunted house in Stratford-on-Avon
Walked Leicester Square, Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden, and many markets
In Liverpool, stood on George Harrison's doorstep, Paul McCartney's yard, saw houses of John, Ringo and Brian Epstein, walked Penny Lane and Strawberry Field, had drinks at the Cavern Pub
Visited Shakespeare's birthplace and house
Strolled through Kensington Park
Hiked up a mini-mountain outside Malvern
Had many dinners with my host family
Shopped too much

In Virginia, they...

Loaded/unloaded many trailers
Rode on roller coasters
Walked through Virginia Beach
Navigated a mirror maze
Watched me parasail

At Northwestern, they...

Supported hours and hours of practicing, classes, tests...
Made hundreds of memories with hundreds of friends (cheese, bleh)
Saw many plays, concerts, V shows, etc.
Took endless trips to Wally-World
Went to Sara's play at Bethel
Drove to Omaha for violin repairs
Were bitten by Titus
Pulled music history all-nighters
Kicked many people
Kept rhythm through a semester of band, choir, orchestra, percussion, jazz, quartet, quintet, and Heritage rehearsals

In Huron, they...

Took many walks through Memorial Park with friends
Accompanied my prom dress for Justine's birthday adventure - also picnicked at The Pheasant
Had many a drink at the Java Hut
Watched all three Lord of the Rings extended versions in a row

My shoes have been to seven airports, thirteen states, and two countries. They've been soaked by rain and frozen in snow. They've walked, ran, cartwheeled, skipped, leapt, piggy-back-ridden, tripped, marched, stood, sat, slept, and smelled terribly.

May the rest in piece. Unless duct tape may fix them.


Blogger Ruthie said...

Wait, are these the endearingly ugly huge brown plaid ones? If so, that sucks. They were so ugly they were cool.

10:20 PM


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