all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Thursday, June 15, 2006

home again

In my house resides the slowest printer known to man. Governments have been overthrown in the amount of time it takes to print ONE PICTURE.

Much love, much love.

I talked on the phone today for about three hours. That's probably more time than the rest of the year combined. It was wonderful - I talked to Jenna! Yay! candy factory...And Justine and Rae, both of whom live within a few blocks of me. Yep.

So..I am home. That's the story. London was marvelous, and I'm actually already starting to miss it. I thought it would take me a few more weeks. Let's just say that Huron is more than slightly different than London. Not quite so many museums. But we do have the Pyle. They have the oldest toilet in all of...Huron. I'd say that's worth more than a few journal entries.

Exciting development in life!!! Brace yOselves. It turns out...I like my violin after all!!! GASP!! Aubrey actually missed Sandra in London. Poor Sandra, all alone and dejected. I am slowly getting used to practicing again - it's hard to stay focused after being gone so long, but it's getting better. Yeah, so it's good to know that I actually like what I'm potentially doing for a living.

I have a newfound infatuation with Bob Dylan.

And...drumroll...I shot a 36 on Sunday!! Sharpshooter baby!

Interesting to go from a statement about Bob Dylan to a statement about M16's. My allegiances are torn.

That's all I got.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was lovely speaking to you the other day. feel free to call anytime! bob dylan is quite the guy. have fun.

2:58 PM


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