all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Sunday, November 06, 2005

fourth-generation survey

okay, so i copied this from amanda who copied it from ruthie who copied it from candi who is the only cool person who comes up with her own stuff. oh well. i thought i'd better jump on the bandwagon. and for the record, i think it would be awesome if symphonic band actually had a wagon. trailors suck.

10 years ago I...

was 9 years old
was starting to play violin
had the most ar (accelerated reading) points in the school
was a freakin baton twirler
had the entire movie the lion king memorized
couldn't wait to be a flautist, and to join the basketball team

5 years ago I...

thought i was the best french hornist the world had ever seen
had recently rejoined orchestra after i quit in middle school
wanted to quit orchestra again
fought EVERY DAY with my best friend melissa
envied my brother in every way
tried in every way to be my brother
was a pole vaulter and tennis player
wanted to be an interpreter for the deaf
was blonde (inside and out)
was "dating" vance-pants

1 year ago I...

lived with betsy, who has way cooler sweaters than me
was deathly afraid of dr. mcgarvey
didn't think dr. wooldridge was weird
had recently graduated basic training
had long hair
was in voice class and icla (puke and puke)

Yesterday I...

watched REVENGE OF THE SITH!!!!!! (erghghghghhh!!)
practiced violin for all of about 55 minutes
ate yummy apple bread at music history
actually went to chapel
talked dr. svanoe into having class at the snack bar
got frustrated with symphonette

5 songs know all the words to:

the army song
many many beatles songs (more than five)
o magnum mysterium (okay, so i just know how to fake it well)
none of my songs from voice lessons
tempered steel
everything from the last five years

5 things I would do with 100 million dollars:

give most of it to charities
give money to the music dept to build freaking more practice rooms
buy recliners for the music classroom
put air conditioning in fern
buy a wig for titus

5 places I would run away to:

my bed
a practice room (sad, i know, but i actually do this a lot)
sara's house
somewhere that has coffee
somewhere that has cheesecake

5 things I would never wear:

nylons (ok, so i have to with my army dress blues...ew ew ew ew they are so gross)
tennis shoes with heels
jean jacket with jeans
tight pants
excessive jewelry (ha, just kiddin bra)

5 favorite TV shows:

american idol
who's line
friends (first five or so seasons)
what not to wear (i'm rather ashamed)

5 bad habits:

being in every musical ensemble ever
getting crushes on unattainable people
cracking various joints
wasting time
putting everything off

5 biggest joys:

seeing God in unexpected places
the beatles
napping for long periods of time
hysterical laughter with friends
dr. holm's "jokes"

5 favorite toys:

rubiks cube
fart machine
tetris on my cell phone

5 fictional characters I would date:

freaking perigrin took
christian from moulin rouge
willy wonka (only when he's played by johnny depp)
jimmy hawkins from treasure planet (minus the rattail)
han solo


Blogger Ruthie said...

Dude! I know all the words to Tempered Steel too! And Titus does need a wig. Scary. "There's a Dr. Holm on the phone for you..."

6:09 PM


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