all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Monday, October 17, 2005

thoughts on a lazy day

it's interesting which ways my mind turns when it has a few days to wander. for instance, a recent chain of thoughts:

dang. i love diet pepsi with lime.
i wonder why things that taste so good have to be so bad for you?
like american idol. i love that show. such an unhealthy obsession...
too bad i can't be obsessed with healthy things.
freakin, i should be practicing violin.
my hand still hurts from that music history test. this class is bad for the well-being of my bow arm.
maybe i should quit school, become a syncronized swimmer. you don't need a right hand for that.
why are most people right handed?
justine isn't right handed.
i miss justine.
i haven't seen buffy the vampire slayer in like three months.
the eighties are so awesome...too bad i was too young to really appreciate them.
someone told me the other day that leg warmers were back in last year. where was i????
oh yeah. playing songs on my guitar.
i had a polka dotted dress when i was little. it was pink.
now the closest thing i have to polka dots is my camo uniforms.
my unit used to have a polka band.
too bad i can't play accordion. why don't they offer that at northwestern?
northwestern is the most generic name for a college ever. who came up with that anyway?
i like cinnamon toast crunch a lot. but the generic brand sucks.
WHY doesn't the caf serve cinnamon toast crunch anymore? i can only handle so many bowls of soggy life cereal a week.
and the bananas are always green.
when in doubt, turn to ants on a log.
poop on a platter. this is an actual meal my mom serves sometimes. it's like gravy-y meat on toast.
why is toast a breakfast food?
break fast. weird word. what does it mean?
breakslow. i don't move fast in the mornings.
except for prayer times, and meal times, and any time i'm outnumbered five to one!
which is why, my love, i have decided that i will remain celebate forever.


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