all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Saturday, December 16, 2006

daylight is good at arriving at the right time

I am home.

assuming I passed everything...I am officially a senior.
in the words of one Timothy McGarvey, that's freaky weird.

I got an A- in Western Civvv!!!!!!!!!!!! LOUD NOISES

For anyone who wondered, I did survive the Jury of Death. I am still alive, slightly.

Now it's on to plastering a wooden box to my shoulder for the next three and a half weeks. But it's nice when the amount of time spent practicing doesn't directly diminish the amount of time spent sleeping. ahhh.... to have no classes. Life should be like this ALWAYS.

Sadly, I have to send away the Bow Box of Life today. I will certainly miss it. I've developed a bond with it in the past few weeks.

As a sort of memorial...

these were taken at about 2 am (the start of a longggg night of music history paper writing) For all non music geeks Kathleen's is case for a conducting baton. Mine is a case for a violin bow, so they say.

Ah yes, it begins. Kathleen and Aubrey tune up the orchestra.

Aubrey stares into distance longingly. Kathleen stares at Aubrey longingly. The cases wonder what the crap is going on and, like Kathleen and Aubrey, wish they were sleeping.

Aubrey shows off her guns. Kathleen has mysteriously turned into Quasimoto.

Kathleen and Aubrey are happy to be alive.

Anakin and Obi Wan duel valiantly. Unfortunately Obi-Wan accidentally grabbed Yoda's light saber. Obi-Wan is screwed.

They take a break at the golf course. Kathleen looks like a hunchback again.

The cases cry out for some TLC. Aubrey and Kathleen gladly provide.

Aubrey shows off her mad Army skillz. Kathleen launches a spitball.

Hey batta batta batta batta sawwwing batta

Kathleen and Aubrey are getting sweaty.

Ah yes, the circle of life. Kathleen and Aubrey hobble around, looking for their teeth. Much like the glory of the Bow Box of Life, their time is drawing to a close.


Blogger Ruthie said...

Oh man I love you I do I do I do I do. I wish you would post more often so I can read your voice. Its fun.

7:36 AM

Blogger Tracey said...

Happy Christmas, war is over!

I miss your face. Also, Matthew got me the Love CD for Christmas and it is a-maz-ing. Remember that one time we went to Livapool?

Take care, dear friend.

10:53 PM


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