all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

why are the mezzos always the emo ones?

I feel apathetic. Unfortunately at this time, apathy is not an option. Poo.

I will complain for a moment, then stop complaining.

I am tired. All the time. No matter how much I sleep, I am still tired. Friday night I slept for ten hours, then took a three hour nap in the afternoon. A three hour nap, about four hours after I'd gotten up. I could have slept more, but I had a dinner date. Maybe my body is getting immune to caffeine. Scary thought.

I have stopped complaining.

I like my violin students. I hope they don't think I'm too much of a freak. My band students in Sioux Center most definitely think I'm a freak, but whatever. It's awkward teaching people that are only like three years younger than me. Especially bad-ass trombone players who "forget" their lesson books every week. It's odd being back in the high school world where people aren't music majors, ergo, they don't practice hours a day. It took me a few weeks to remember that high schoolers generally don't take their instruments home.

This may be the most boring post in the history of posts. But hey guys, look what I found the other day. And by "the other day" I mean like a month ago. This is not in the musical any more. He wrote a fancier song with fancier words (about incest and tongue piercings) to replace it. I like it though. And it's been in my head for about a month. Oh my lord. I think seeing this musical live was one of my favorite experiences. Ever. Not kidding. But I wish it didn't make me feel so stupidly girly. honor of not wanting to feel stupidly girly.... I will now share the uplifting, regenerative text of the Menotti piece I'm singing.

Ah Michele don't you know
That love can turn to hate
At the sound of one word if the word is said too late

Love can never heal its wounds

Unless the cry is answered
Unless the scar is seen

All the tears one weeps alone
Cannot endure the pounding gates of the heart
Like stars they fall
But leave a poisoned trail

Those of us who find our love on earth
Must celebrate our fleeting triumph
Who welcomes love in silence
Or hides it like a crime
Must soon resort to the wastelands to escape its blinding vengeance

Ah Michele, don't forget
That love is a pitiless hunter when allied with death!!!

This all sounds terribly depressing and that you'd think someone just arsenicked her husband or something... but I finally did research on the opera and basically my character is just pissed because her lover didn't invite her to his sister's wedding. She freaks out, sings this aria, accuses him of cheating on her with his sister, then he in turn spazzes out and stabs her to death. Opera is so great. In a movie that would never work.

Parting shot: ...courtesy of mi madre.



Blogger Tessa said...

Oh Aubs,

I laughed my head of with that telemarketeer prank thing :) Thanks for making my day happy!

love you girl.

7:34 AM


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