all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Thursday, January 12, 2006


It's 10:08 pm and I have been trying to get form and analysis homework done since right around 8. I'm like halfway there.
So I don't have more credits this semester than I did last semester, but I'm a little worried that the classes I have this semester are a lot heavier than last. I haven't even picked up my violin today, except for symphonette, if that counts. And all I've been able to get done all night is half an assignment for a 2-credit class. It really blows that I'm in class all day - and I mean literally ALL day, and by the time I try doing homework my brain is shot. Honestly, I'm in class for more time every day now than I was in high school. That's rather depressing.

I do believe that I would enjoy doing this work if I wasn't so worried about how much time it's going to take me, when on earth I'm going to read a million pages for western civ, a couple chapters for music theory, a quiz for music history...blah, blah, blah, not to mention the three hours a day I'm supposed to be putting in on violin. Which, sadly enough, is the first thing to go when I don't have time for everything, and should be my number one priority since it's pretty much the only thing that's going to determine my career direction.

Why should I have to feel bad for considering dropping western civ and taking 16 credits instead of 20? Normal people take 16 credits. But oh, not in the music department. Here we must drive ourselves crazy or be scoffed at for being lazy. Here we must perpetually complain about how much more our lives suck than everyone else's.

It's the second day of classes and I'm already complaining. This is not a good sign.

On a positive note, I LOVE seeing my friends again. Jenna and I watched a movie about John Lennon, which was excellent. The day we got I had a hair-dying party with three other girls from my wing, and then we watched Shakespeare in Love...what a WONDERFUL movie. Oh man.

Also, I finished reading Memoirs of a Geisha yesterday - READ IT. Now. It was amazing, and I'm really excited to see the movie this weekend. Yes, that's right, Aubrey is in fact literate. I think this is the first book I've read for pleasure since...well, I guess since the Half-Blood Prince. And before that, sadly enough, it was probably Order of the Phoenix. I'm a loser.

Oh, and I finished my application for SSA in Great Britain, finally. I will be really excited if I get in, but I'm kind of wondering if this is really what I wanted to study abroad for. Obviously I love theater and art and such, but the initial reason I wanted to study abroad was so that I could visit somewhere, well, not Western. Maybe do some mission-oriented stuffers. And I'm pretty sure London is rather Western, and this trip for me seems rather self-oriented. I want to go so I can see the Globe and Shakespeare and art and other beautiful things, not so I can help people or even so I can understand other cultures. I'm not sure what the moral implications of this are, but I still really want to go. Hmm.

I'm done putting stuff off for tonight. I musn't procrastinate TOO much in the first week. I'll wait a few weeks. So I guess I'm procrastinating my procrastinating. I am a master.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mwaha. clavicle. don't touch it. meh.

11:28 PM

Blogger Tracey said...

YAY LONDON! It won't be a waste if you are spending time with me, you silly. Also:

What John Lennon movie? Also:

Drop Western Civ. Be sane. I will still love you, and we can watch 'That Thing You Do' and 'Emperor's New Groove' at least a few times a month.

*random noises!*

3:20 PM


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