all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Sunday, December 25, 2005


okay, i meant to put this on here a long time ago...this is something jenna wrote after we saw paul. i think it's rather grand.

Once upon a time, Jenna and her friend, Aubrey, went to see the legend- Paul McCartney at the Xcel Energy Center in, ironically enough, St. Paul. They only skipped one class and left the OC at 1:00pm. They arrived safely in a parking garage at about 6:30pm. Then, to the fright of the both of them, with all of the excitement of the coming concert Aubrey locked her keys in her car! Thankfully, she had an extra set. They joyfully skipped across the road to gate 2 of the Center.......
Jenna and Aubrey were in line for a t-shirt stand, Jenna got a green shirt and a program, when all of a sudden a St Pepper costumed little boy started throwing out facts about the Beatles next to them. At first it was cute, but soon it became scary and they both decided not to have children like that.
The concert started a half hour late. Jenna and Aubrey were both surprised that their tickets were actually quite good and that they would be able to see Paul the whole time, and Paul saw them once or twice during the concert. Because of the age of everyone around them, everyone was sitting except them during a certain part when Paul came to acknowledge their section. Paul saw two excited girls waving and screaming at him and he gave them a thumbs up to greet them. The two girls were extremely happy at this gesture of friendship.
The concert included hits from before the Beatles, Beatles, Wings, solo work, and from his latest, and quite good, cd- Chaos in Creation. Jenna sang with Paul on many of his most lovely songs. She cried, screamed, gasped at the fire show and lights, smiled at a couple next to her who held hands during a song she hopes to have at her wedding.
Paul was looking very good, for a 63 year old.....okay for someone at any age. He wore a light blue long-sleeved sweater/shirt with some really cute jeans for most of the concert. Jenna wore a t-shirt she made with glitter pink and silver puffy paint and Aubrey wore a skirt with many of the best song lyrics painted on with puffy paint. They all looked really good.
The concert ended with 6 encore songs and the famous low bow from Paul and his band mates. There was a burst of confetti that unfortunately didn't reach the two girls in the high section but they thought it was still pretty cool.
The two girls made there way back to the car for pictures, discussion, screaming, and diet coke with lime. After a wait in the parking garage, the two girls made there way home. They sang even though their voices were cracked from the screaming, they talked all the way, and they replayed the images of seeing Paul through their heads until they arrived back home at 5:00am.
Jenna and Aubrey had to be up early to play piano at the recital that started at 11:00am so they quickly jumped into bed.
The 'next morning' Jenna woke up and cried a little. It wasn't because she was sad that it was all over- she cried because it had happened and she was very happy.
Jenna and Aubrey will never forget the day they went to a concert to see their long-time friend, paul, sing a 3 hour long concert. Even though it is all finished and they might never see him play live again, they still can relive this experience through listening to their most favorite songs and hopefully, a tour dvd of the concert which would come out probably next year sometime.
The End.


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