all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


It's been awhile...

Here I am in sunny VA, getting paid to play music, sing with a jazzer band way cooler than I can ever dream to be, and eat large amounts of food.

I'm staying at an Air Force Hotel at Langley Air Force Base in eastern Virginia. Let me tell you, Air Force people are weird. They are, shall I say, quite a bit softer-core than typical Army folks. We were actually asked before we checked in not to yell cadence and sound off in the mornings when we have physical training, so as not to wake up the airmen pansies. Apparently they're not accustomed to such 5:00 am workouts as we are. I should talk, as I spend my evenings strolling the beach smothered in multilayers of nasty-gross sunscreen and watching reruns of Friends in my personal air-conditioned hotel room.

So room cleany people come around our rooms every morning to, you know, give us toilet paper and such when we need it. I don't think they really pay too much attention to what they're doing, though. Yesterday when I sat down on my freshly-made bed I was startled to feel something hard under my left buttock. I lifted up my sheet to find the book I'd left there that morning made into the bed. Umm. had meself a little chuckle.

I continue to be amazed, overwhelmed, blessed, and extremely intimidated by the superbly-talented musicians populating my unit. Holy homeslice. This is particularly prevalent in the jazz-like section of training...I am WHITER THAN WHITE. So not awesome. Granted, we don't have a single person of color in the group, but let's just say I'm not so well-versed in the area of making up piano parts. I am not Andy Keller, or you know, Beverly Bigge? Or something. Anyway...I can feel my self esteem slowwwwly slipping. Ugghhhh. Where be the gods of smoothness? Why be they not bestowing upon me their favor? Mleh mleh mleh.

Tomorrow we're playing for a ceremony aboard a naval aircraft carrier. FREAKIN AWESOME. Dangggg.

We get this weekend off, in which we get to go to Busch Gardens amusement park thingy for FREEE!!!!! I am chillaxin to the maxin.

Tonight I ate half of a pizza and about seven breaksticks.

I like sleeping!!!!!!!!


Blogger Tracey said...

I miss you like crazy, former-roommate-of-some-repute! I still smile like a schoolgirl when I recall our Liverpudlian time together. Sounds like VA is treating you well...the smoothness will come with time. And cheesecake. Smoothness always follows cheesecake. LOVE!

11:19 PM

Blogger Ruthie said...

What is your address in VA? Or (if I hypothetically wanted to mail you something, which I don't, of course) use your home mailing address and let you get any mail there when you come home? Hypothetically.

10:54 AM


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