all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Monday, May 15, 2006


a list of the shows i'm seeing:

Safari Party
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Mirror for Princes
Two Thousand Years
Titus Andronicus (at the Globe!)
Romeo and Juliet
The Overwhelming
The Changeling
Rock & Roll

My host family's last name is Cartlidge, and I'm kind of wondering why Paul McCartney decided to use a fake name when he decided to host Cori and I. I'll have to ask him when I get there. And I'll tell him hi from all y'all.

So, this pre-trip seminar thing isn't so bad in and of itself; it's just making us all more and more antsy to GET FREAKIN GOING...which makes it all seem much more long and boring than it actually is. The discussions we're having make me laugh, because we all sit and argue about things that we don't really have a clue about (myself included) makes me wonder what the profs actually think of us. Oh well, at least they feed us meals.

I got to see Jenna today...we ate Chinese, which was pretty dang awesome. It was weird that the last time I was there was less than a week ago, but it seems like ages. Oh my Ruthie, where have you gone? Off to distant lands...of places that are open past 5...and on Sundays, those dang pagans.

Although, I made a rather surprising discover yesterday that, lo and behold, Alco is OPEN ON SUNDAYS. I'm pretty sure only the Orange Citians without religion go shopping on Sundays, which makes me wonder how long Alco will stay open. At least on Sundays. Which is a shame, because they have sparkly shoes.

In other news, the theater department actually has a coffee maker, and cooshy chairs with REAL LIVE DESKS that have room to put your coffee on. This makes me want to change my major a little, given my rich history of knocking over my coffee during music history because of its lack of desk space.



Blogger Ruthie said...

So, it sounds like you finally have some info on your jaunt to "that island over there." I hope you come back talking funny. All British and stuff. It's interesting that your host family's name is a part of my nose and ears. And yours, too. Weird.

I'm in Des Moines. I started scrapbooking my college years. Yeay. Don't have a job yet. Boo. On Facebook again. Yeay. Living with Daniel AND Aaron. Boo. Sonny sleeps in my bed. Yeay.

7:34 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

Jenna lives upstairs from me...and I didn't see you before you left! That makes me sad! BUT...we are going to relish in the joy that is Pirates of the Caribbean as soon as you return from training! And for that I am joyful. I hope the globe is cool. Call me when you get back and tell me funny stories about you and Paul... x1641 (you know the rest of the number..)

4:13 PM


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