all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Saturday, August 20, 2005

the last five raves

quote of the day:
"all my friends are genetic freaks"
-miss amy carlson

so...last night was the big rave at kyle's house, and i must say, what a rave it was. i'm pretty sure i scared the crap out of chigusa, kyle's exchange student. i hope she doesn't think all americans are as weird as i am. sara and i were definitely decked out in our best "rave attire" only to find that we were pretty much the only ones not dressed in everyday polo shirts and jeans. aherm. pretty sure my hair was the coolest thing ever though. i bet you could have cut glass on it, considering how much hair spray was in i got an opportunity to sport a purple troll on an earring (can't see it in the pic, sorry)

and now, for something completely different..

i've spent much of the last week playing out of my the last five years songbook. i have certainly gained a new love for musical theater this summer; it makes me wish i had some semblence of acting ability. oh dear.

i'm moving in to school tomorrow! joy of joys! in just twenty-four short hours i will once again find myself among all the lovely llamafaces of 3rd north fern. back to strange obnoxious noisemaking, hours upon hours of nerts, skipbo, catch phrase, and lord of the rings trivial pursuit, watching the same three or so movies over and over, shamelessly playing nerts after hours in the music building, midnight underwear shopping at walmart...and oh yeah, homework.

oh, and about eight of us went garage saling this morn. yes, for two days in a row, i have gotten up at the crack of dawn (aka 8:30), and today i got some quality shopping done. i am now the proud owner of a n'sync pin the size of a cantelope - a necessity for any dorm room.

i suppose i'd better go pack. considering the fact that i'm leaving tomorrow morning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your attire might have rocked... but you cannot deny that the blue hair gang had something going for them too! Love ya sweets!

4:22 PM


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