all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


hello my friends!
this is it. i knew it was inevitably inevitable, so i decided to embrace my destiny now while i'm still in my house bored off my rocker. that's right, i'm blogging -- not because i need to, not because i really want to, but mostly because "blog" is one of the coolest words in the english language. i really wish that blog was actually either some kind of exotic ice cream topping or a gelatinous monster maybe residing in the bowels lake byron, but i'll have to settle for this. it's quite probable that i'll get tired of it after a few days/weeks, but for now i'll do what i can. so here's the exciting happenings in my life of late.
so yesterday i visited some stellar friends from the town of madison, south dakota -- miss alishia salmen, miss jennifer anderson, and the infamous mr. john bergan. oh yes, it was a riot. much to my disappointment, we did NOT go on any crazy escapades like we did in the old times -- naked manning, ghost hunting, etc. -- but we DID eat horrendous amounts of food, watch a splendid johnny depp movie (benny and joon), and experience the fury of mario kart and the buttwhipping by john bergan thereof.
in other news, i picked up my horn yesterday for the first time since training. it was quite the unsettling experience. yes, when you take three weeks off, even after playing for six hours a day for five weeks, you're not as good as you were three weeks ago. dagnabbit.
anyway. i currently feel the need to go for a run or seven to make up for the pizza, ice cream, cookies, twizzlers, m&ms, potato chips, etc that i ate yesterday. aherm. so all you puddins have a splendid afternoon, and until next time, chao.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you excite me.

1:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Blog is an awesome word.

2:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You rock my face off to the moon! I heart you more than snicker salad, Aubrey Weger!

2:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How I do miss your face... but I think this is the most appropriate prelude to seeing it in only a few days! That's right, and get ready to start integrating those beautiful musical terms into your daily vocabulary... Like, "Holy sforzando! What a dynamic blog you've got there!" Okay, that's all I've got. Love you!

Yours con molto espressivo,

3:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

woot! i know about naked manning and ghost hunting - ahhh...the joys of being a tecie and knowing the secrets of madison and surrounding areas. i heart you face! boo that we don't live together this least we're nearby! no random studying noises this year though...pooface. see you soon!!! lovelovelovelove~bets

5:18 PM

Blogger Ruthie said...

yo yo roomie-to-be,

Your blog is so much more exciting than mine, even though you only have one entry. We should compete to have the coolest blogs. And post stupid things. Flubbedy flub.

6:10 PM


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