all my little plans and schemes - nothing but a bunch of dreams. all i really needed to do - was maybe some love. i don't expect you to understand - the kingdom of heaven is in your hand. i don't expect you to wake from your dreams - too late for pride now it seems. why must we be alone? it's real, love - yes, it's real. -- john lennon

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

flubbedy flub

aubrey: "i'd never want to work at a coffee house because the wonderous coffee house smell would lose its wonder."
dr. wooldridge (music theory prof): "yeah, kind of like what happens to music when you major in it..."

so i'm back at good ol' nwc, and it is as magnificent as ever. ruthie and i finally finished our room the other day, and it looks stellar -- complete with pumpkin lights, mounted buffalo head and sea monkeys. it is so good to be back among my third north family! and of course my good friend rachel kleinsasser joined the ranks of nwc class of 2009. yay! oh, and i have to brag now while i can. i've actually been somewhat successful at getting up at 6ish:00 to go running before class starts. it is rather painful getting up so early, but there is something oddly satisfying about being up before the sun. that and the sunrise is always beautiful.

so i'm currently in the middle of leviticus, and yesterday i was reading about punishment for sin in chapter 20. this is pretty intense. i think we tend to forget how serious sin actually is. in the old testament, people were put to death for sins that today are as common as diet soda at sara's house -- adultery, homosexuality, etc. an animal had to be sacrificed for each and every "small" sin. i can't even fathom having to kill an animal every time i sin. i'm pretty sure animals would be extinct by now. this puts into greater perspective the vastness of christ's sacrifice -- one sin is enough to take away a man's life, but christ's death covered the sin of ALL men past present and future. that is HUGE.


Blogger Amanda said...


Wow! What an insight. I tend to sort of mentally block out the scope of sin and how much God hates it. Thanks for the reminder friend.

7:29 PM

Blogger Ruthie said...

Amen poopiepants.

1:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you..but thanks for the date today! I had a blast!

9:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a cute picture, who are those beautiful girls and whose bed is that anyway.
<3 MW

8:16 PM


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